Colin Perry
Performance Coach
UK Midlands Based
tel : 07831 484244 mail :
twitter : @TheMDExpert
"Supporting British Business to Prosper & Grow" LinkedIn Profile
Leadership Development
As Chairman of the Midlands Leadership Groups I work with over 30 Business leaders to help them develop their Leadership Skills. These Directors are from both Private and Public companies - the Groups meet six times a year for a full day to listen to world class speakers and share key problems and issues of the day with one another.
"I question the effectiveness of any business leader who is unable to allocate a day a month to developing their leadership"
Performance Management
You can only Manage what you Measure - if you are looking to improve the performance of key people and teams then you must have a clear set of measures that everyone understands and works towards.
My specialism is to work with the senior Management Team to set clear achievable Objectives, Measures and hold regular Performance Review meetings.
121 Coaching
Coaching is about working with individuals and teams to understand where they want to be - define where they are now and then work out how to achieve their Goals / Objectives. Coaching Programmes are bespoke depending on the urgency / need of the coachee - normally 2/3 hours a month. Key outcomes are :-
Results improve / greater sense of commitment / work better with others / lead by example
Team / Board Development
Key to imroving business performance is ensuring that your teams work well together and deliver the results defined. ​I use a number of management tools to help such as :-
* Team and Individual Personal Profiles
* 360 Degree Feedback reports [Leadership & Safety]
* Team Performance Audit
* Emotional Intelligence Report
* Staff Engagement Survey
* Strategy meeting Facilitation